I was super excited when I saw this month's first Barefoot Bloggers recipe. I absolutely love mango! And while I'm generally not a huge huge fan of frozen drinks (I mean, I'll drink them of course, but they aren't my favorite), mango daiquiris take me back to our honeymoon to St. Lucia.
We stayed at the best resort, Ti Kaye Village, and I had one (or 2) mango daiquiris every day. Seriously they were the best frozen drinks ever. Fresh mango puree, rum, and ice. That's it. And they were sooo good. I can't say that these rivaled the drinks I had at Ti Kaye, but they were pretty darn good. I loved the addition of banana, and I used coconut rum to add another flavor into the mix.
I had initially planned on making these on Sunday for us to take to the pool with us, but never got around to buying rum on Saturday, and of course Georgia has the ridiculous no-alcohol-sales-on-Sunday law. So we enjoyed them on Wednesday night instead. Not a bad way to celebrate the halfway point of the week. :-)
Thanks again to Veronica of Supemarket Serenade for picking a great recipe, and for allowing me to take a trip down memory lane.
Mango Banana Daiquiris
adapted from Barefoot Contessa, Back to Basics
- 2 cups chopped ripe mango (1-2 mangos, peeled and seeded)
- 1 ripe banana, chopped
- 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lime juice (4 limes)
- 1/4 cup simple syrup (1 cup water + 1 cup sugar, heated until sugar is dissolved)
- 1 1/4 cups coconut rum, such as Malibu
Add 2 cups of ice and process again until smooth and thick. Serve ice cold in glasses. Garnish with mango slices and lime wedges.
And here is a picture of me enjoying some mango daiquiris at lunch on our honeymoon :-)